Are Our Best Days Behind Us?

Are Our Best Days Behind Us?

Americans are wrestling with this seminal question that doesn’t have a satisfactory answer. We are so often divided into an infinite number of pots, keeping us in opposition to one another: For many, their observations and the constant drumbeat of bad news...
Easy Money

Easy Money

As hard as it may be to accept, a significant minority in this country genuinely believe the government can endlessly create money out of thin air to pay for giveaway programs without consequence. Why else would presidential candidate Kamala Harris propose another...
The Democratic Cult

The Democratic Cult

Political party conventions are renowned for their share of sophomoric tomfoolery and rank partisanship. This last convention was much more akin to a well-defended bunker where, upon entering, you were required to exchange your freedoms and self-interest in much the...
Layaway Country

Layaway Country

I’m looking at my county’s proposed property tax increase of 11% in the anticipated 2025 fiscal budget. That’s on top of last year’s 7% and the previous year’s increases, which always exceeds the inflation rate. Government workers at all...