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In the last three years, we’ve seen several new progressive-promoted narratives for how we should live our lives. These drivers are steering us in the direction of how we are to live, work, and play. It’s as if our society has had a massive overhaul late one night while we were all asleep. No single event, action, or world event precipitated where we are at the moment.

The Changing Face of America:-


The country you were once comfortable and proud of is fundamentally different. There has been a radical shift in who and what being an American feels like. You begin to understand that our future will differ from our past. You began to realize that the very nature of our country had changed through unvoted-for mandates. An entirely new language of words, ideas, and priorities has been forced on us. They have led to the quiet surrender of America, sending us into an unproven and uncertain future that seeks to reinvent us. Who, or what, has that kind of power, and what’s at stake?

America was recognizable on the day Barack Obama took office in 2009. By the time he left, traditional glacial changes in policies and law seemed to be things of the past. Obama’s Presidential decrees instituted massive realignments. Democrats passed laws along party-line votes and appointed judges who would likely be activist Democrats.

But such was just the beginning of what that former Chicago activist had in mind. Bill Ayers, the former founder of the militant Weather Underground terrorist organization, was a close confidant of Obama. The Ayers/Obama relationship runs more deeply than previously reported. It is this relationship and others that betrayed Obama’s deep distrust of Capitalism, his belief that America was racist and that the future of America should be tightly linked to the goals of the World Economic Forum. Obviously, this had to be kept from us. Joseph Biden (a politician who got almost nothing right in 40+ years of office) served as Obama’s VP and was the perfect lackey for Obama. The first black president was term-limited but continued to control changes he knew would take decades to implement and accomplish.

Decoding Obama’s Plan for a New America:-


Obama and his trusted lieutenants were the keepers of the flame. They intended to convert America into a European-style state that could eventually become part of a world government to cure perceived inequities. To do so, an ambitious plan was created to force changes upon people under the guise of ‘social responsibility.’ Multiple narratives are being employed:

    • The Green Agenda, Climate Change, or whatever you want to call it, was said to be an Extinction Level Event that was coming unless we limited temperature increases to 1.5 degrees centigrade and subsumed our national identity to the rest of the world.
    • Open Borders. Obama and his followers know we’ll eventually understand that the changes demanded will make us poorer. When that realization happens, self-interest will demand a vote to elect people who will change that course. But the Progressives can’t have that!  Solution: allow another 15 or 20 million illegals to enter our country, adding to the 15 million already here. Then, give them all a path to citizenship. In that way, any chance of Progressives being voted out of office can not happen.
    • Create a perception that America is on an irreversible downhill slope. That’s all too easy to do as we now have elections, which used to be the envy of the world, making us appear positively third world now. Create rules, laws, and dependencies that sap our energy and see us falling behind other countries — all by design and not by accident.
    • Have you read that the IQs of people in high school and college are now about the same? Previously, our students in college were significantly smarter. What happened? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI. The average IQ of a college student is 104 113 in the 1990s. We send the wrong people to college today in the name of DEI. The losers are not just the students who can’t keep up, but all of us, when our best and brightest are sidelined in favor of the general promotion of a lower range of mediocrity.
  • Our economy has been intentionally ‘juiced’ ever since Obama got into office. COVID was an unknown that forced even Trump into deficit-fueled spending. What’s today’s excuse? The deficit ballooned to $1.7 trillion under Bidenomics last year. Trillions more dollars remain unspent from various ‘stimulus’ programs. These are now being reprogrammed back into favored social and environmental initiatives, even as the public has begun to rebel against the logic that undergirds this spending. Many people are still working from home (especially government workers,) which has dramatically changed our real estate picture. Millions more are underemployed or work multiple jobs to make ends meet because of the country’s underreported inflation. We are finally waking up to the reality of unsustainable deficit spending! Overlay this with increased government employment that dominates hiring, and you lay the lie of Bidenomics bare.

The question everyone should ask is: who is really running the country? This is not a trivial question. How many knowledgeable people think Biden works 60 hours a week running the country and making all the critical calls vs. staying on vacation as much as possible? Who are his advisors, and what decisions are they making that traditionally were the province of the president? Many are holdovers from the Obama administration, like Kerry, Podesta, and Blinken. Valerie Jarrett, a close Obama confidant and former advisor, is rumored to be Obama’s indispensable representative to the Biden White House.

Unpacking the Agenda Behind Keeping Americans on Edge:-


It is essential to understand that keeping the American people on edge is a strategy that allows those controlling Biden to push through anti-American actions that would traditionally be rejected. Their side feels empowered and is constantly testing the limits of their ability to change our culture and very essence. For context, read this outrageous diatribe against white people from the Chief of Diversity at Johns Hopkins that exposes their unvarnished and sheer hatred of white people:

‘White people, able-bodied people, heterosexuals, cisgender people, male Christians, middle or owning class people, middle-aged people, and English-speaking people’ all fit the bill. 

This statement, and hundreds more weekly, are the studied rantings of an organized plot to see us surrender in mind, body, and spirit. That plan was started with our young but has now manifested itself throughout virtually every facet of our country.  Everything is under attack. Talk to a farmer, pilot, or even a shopkeeper.  Virtually everything is quickly changing.

The other side has a purpose. They know their window is small and closing if we wise up. They fear the righteous indignation which will follow when we comprehend what was taken from us and our children.

Ultimately, there is only one fundamental question: Are ‘We the People’ to be masters of our destiny, or are we willing to surrender that manifest gift for a bit of temporary security? I, for one, will not.

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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