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Most readers know we are in a cataclysmist battle between Progressivism and Conservatism. Should Progressivism win, America and the current world order will cease to exist.  Russia and China privately back the Progressive movement because if successful, it will destroy America and Conservatism.  They will rejoice in our defeat.

Terms are essential when you talk about big ideas.  So, let’s define these contra positions and explain how Independents play avital role.  From American Heritage Dictionary comes:


Conservatism is:

  1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
  2. A political philosophy or attitude that emphasizes respect for traditional institutions and opposes the attempt to achieve social change through legislation or publicly funded programs.
  3. Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook


Progressivism is:

  1. The principles and practices of political progressives.
  2. Progressive education.
  3. A politicalideology that favors progress towards better conditions in society.


An Independent is:

  1. Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization.
  2. Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant: an independent mind.

Whether you consider yourself Independent, under Conservatism, or Progressive, you likely align yourself with one of these three broad philosophies.  News stories would make you think the nation is split down the middle.  While 25% call themselves Liberal or Progressives, 73% of Americans identify as conservative or moderate.You wouldn’t be aware of this if you relied on Democrat messaging and a breathless press that constantly informs you otherwise.  Moderates historically defect from Conservative thought when MSM does not report important news or slants it unfavorably.  Mark Twain might have said, “Reports of Conservatives’ Deaths are Greatly Exaggerated.”

Moderates frequently recoil from Progressive ideas that are un-American on their face, often closely resembling socialism and communism.  When Moderates receive focus-tested messaging, they don’t always see the gaps and outright lies in Progressive/Democrat messaging and logic. Moderates are more likely to be conservative.  Give them clarity of thought and a consistent logical message; many will align philosophically with traditional American ideals and values.

Recent Progressive messaging, designed as talking points for Democrats, can be summed up in these four bullets:

    • Redefine — when trying to change the most successful social and economic nation in history into something totally different, Capitalism’s obvious historical success complicates the Progressive’s task.  To win, they must change the terms of the discussion.  For example; when you already have the largest middle class in the world, and no one is starving by choice; you must point out lesser disparities and make them determinative.You must focus solely on issues that make progressive points and ignore all other successes or comparisons that don’t make your case. This reminds me of the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, which articulates that messaging must be starkly clear for the masses, with the leading line….” Four legs good, two legs bad” as the most memorable. There is little difference between Democratic demagoguery and tactics when you think about it.
    • Suppress — demonize all successes and truths that question Progressives forced changes and never give an inch.  Never directly answer a question that exposes the truth.  Find nothing redeeming in America’s history, economy, dominant white class, and our system of government.  Constantly point out our failings. Ignore our history, demonstrating there would likely be no freedom anywhere without America to guarantee it.


  • Cancel — viciously and relentlessly attack your enemies.  When Conservatism articulate the fallacies between Progressive conjecture, facts, and outcomes, they are more dangerous.  Never try to defeat your enemies with facts.  Associate with others who use authoritative-sounding facts and repetition to overcome the truth.  The mainstream press is in your pocket; use them! Isolate conservatism based news outlets.  Failing that, remove their voices or silence them in any way you can.  Use political speech, the IRS, FBI, and other law enforcement groups to cancel the enemies of Progressives, always keeping them on defense.  (Read reporter Matt Taibbi’s encounters with an IRS agent)!
  • Reeducate — Progressives will not stop until they win. They want you to love Big Brother, a.k.a.  Daddy.  Progressives can only succeed when all of us who today know and understand the truth can no longer recall it.  With the continuous detention of the J6 participants, we commenced our own Gulags in this country.  Who’s next?We are a generation into the reeducation of our young, which happened right under parents’ noses.  Like in the former Soviet Union, our government has decided they have superior rights to your child than parents.  Gender Affirming Care?  No one knows how many school Districts now hide not just gender issues but other issues that parents have the right and obligation to know about and to decide for their children.Such behavior is part and parcel of the Progressive playbook.   Are you willing to turn your child over to the State?  Hillary Clintononce famously stated, “It takes a village.” We weren’t listening when she said we should take a lesson from how African children are raised.On the contrary, I want my children raised as Americans, and I would bet you would agree.

One thought gets almost no airing, i.e.,  Progressives don’t believe in individualism and are, by definition, Collectivists.  They are the antithesis of individuals who require a steel spine to stand up to those trying to limit their freedoms.  Collectivists, again, almost by definition, are always in groups that define their message, keeping everyone in line. Collectivists are poison.  Some history books correctly communicate authoritarian constructs, with children informing on their parents and secret police always listening to make you feel threatened and afraid everywhere, all the time.  We are already members of a surveillance society.  Does this make you feel safer?
Conservativism largely dominated our country from its founding until at least the mid-1960s.  Producers tend to be conservative.  What was it that allowed for, even encouraged, the strong influences of Progressivism and its Socialist, Marxist designs?

The Prosperity Paradox: How Abundance Divides the Vision for America


Our great divisions prove that we no longer see the future similarly, and I believe our very prosperity is now our nemesis.  A nation of plenty, which does not require significant effort to live, breeds people who believe utopia exists and that universal brotherhood should be the norm.  However, only through struggle does our society advance, as it did spectacularly until recently.  The intelligentsia, government elites, those who live off others with zero remorse, and those who believe we should be less competitive and more cooperative are profoundly wrong.  History teaches us that socialism failed miserably wherever it was implemented.

People are either industrious, proud, and individualistic or creatures of the swamp, looking for the easy way forward, directly contradicting what history teaches us.  Progressives depend on an amalgam of wishful thinking, avarice, fractured history, and the tendency of human beings to take the easy path when offered.

Each of us has the choice of taking the Blue pill or Red pill, much as one was offered in the Matrix series of movies.  What pill did you choose to take?  It always comes down to choice.  No one can force you to be a slave to someone or something.

God Bless America!

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, and Thinker.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com


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