Optics frequently matter more than reality. Years of hiding Joe Biden’s journey through dementia and mental decline as a defense against former President Trump’s building electoral prowess have destroyed the media’s standing in many voters’ minds. Biden’s being forced out of the race in favor of Harris revealed the many players, including the presumptive Democratic nominee, as being as culpable as anyone in the coverup.
This article will delve into what I believe to be what I will characterize as one of the most anti-American cabals we’ve ever witnessed, committed by Biden’s handlers and family. Members of the Office of the Presidency, including Biden’s Lieutenants, do not take an Oath of Office requiring them to defend the Constitution, nor does the Senate confirm them. They enabled a feeble Biden to hide in plain sight.
Unveiling the Camp David Strategy:-
The eighteen-plus advisors that prepped Biden for seven days in June at Camp David did more than try to prep a President. What they attempted to do was to get Biden over a critical hump through trickery and deceit. The story of how and why they did that is today’s subject, and it should make every American think hard about just how important actual democracy is to Biden, his family, the Democratic Party, and his coterie of advisors. I charge them with moral bankruptcy or even treason when viewed in the context of what was attempted and failed. The June 27th debate was intended to have been a show debate, much as the Trump show trials in NYC; carefully crafted, controlled, and with the outcome never in doubt, except it didn’t play out the way it was supposed to.
If you look at this as a bill of indictments, what transpired lays out like this:
- The first issue was whether to have the debate or not. Much like Trump did not debate any of the other Republican candidates during the primary, there was a strong feeling in the Biden camp that maybe they could get out of debating Trump entirely. Some individuals advising the President felt the risk of debating Trump was too great. Trump’s previous actions and recent conviction in NY could give Biden cover to not debate Trump and conceal Biden’s infirmity. We may never know who wanted an early debate and why.
- Once the decision was made to debate, Democrats set a trap. Trump was offered a debate on Biden’s terms. Earlier on the calendar than usual, earlier in the evening than normal, run by CNN, and all the rules of the debate set and accepted as Trump was told: take it or leave it. Two of Biden’s demands: no audience and each President’s mike turned off when not speaking worked in Trump’s favor!
- No one preparing the President for the debate believed that a standard facts and figures debate prep would demonstrate Biden’s prowess. Instead, a memorization system was devised that closely resembles how Artificial Intelligence can go entirely off the rails. More on that later.
- Once the “debate” began, Biden’s team live-streamed a series of lies, saying Biden had a cold or a sore throat. Â The hypocrisy has continued.
Americans Should Be Alarmed – Major Concerns:-
Three things should greatly bother every American.
- Biden most always uses a teleprompter or cue cards (which he is reasonably good at) with words written by a speechwriter. This gives the appearance of an engaged and knowledgeable President when it may not be so. Observe how few freeform events and news conferences the President engages in.
- Others select the issues and even who gets to ask Biden questions. Who? We just don’t know.
- The recent Supreme Court decisions on Presidential Immunity also immunize Biden’s aids and advisors similarly. Â Biden’s lack of day-to-day control of his messaging and policy agenda allows his staff to make decisions in the name of the President. If the President is not compos mentis, we must face the reality that the office is already vacant today, and those advisors are freelancing the Presidency!
The light at the top of the political tree is blindingly bright. Only a select few get there. Acolytes of the President, fawning donors, true believers in progressive idealism, and the always present political animal who knows who their allegiance is to: not to Biden, but to the Party or the subset of the Democratic Party that is on the march and can almost taste victory if only they can get an 81-year-old with evident signs of advancing dementia one more term. On that, they failed.
Is Aiding Presidential Fraud a Crime Beyond Ethics?
So, I ask all of my readers the most important and singularly relevant question of all:
Is knowingly helping the President of the United States commit a fraud of such magnitude not just a moral crime but perhaps an actual crime? Â
It is not the advisor’s job to fool “We the People.” It is not the role of advisors to hide a President from sight who must practice standing for 90 minutes before being led off the stage by his wife. It is not the role of advisors to gang together to support the Democratic Party ahead of the people of the United States or to collude and assist our legal system to conduct lawfare against the nominee of the Republican Party. It is morally repugnant to attempt to have an aged man memorize answers and regurgitate them when Trump or the moderators say keywords, much like an AI Assistant. We all saw the consequence of that.
It’s been said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing in our system of government requires either a reality check or the occasional question to be asked: are we acting in the best interests of the people we ostensibly serve? We seemed to have lost that, definitely in this moment, but likely over time. Can we capture this moment and realize how absurd our focus on acquiring power has become? Politics is the art of the possible. What we have today is MAD…Mutually Assured Destruction. It must change, and the current occupant of the White House gives us a perfect opportunity to make that decisive turn to sanity. Harris is very much Biden 2.0. Will that be enough to get her over the finish line? We’ll all know soon enough.
God Bless America.
Allan J. Feifer—Patriot
Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com
My fellow Americans, there is only method to salvage what is left
of our American Experiment, and that is how our 1776 Founding
Fathers got rid of their impending political conundrums, and that is
by storming the palace and the use of bullets and guns, against the
current Communist Administration. Once the names of the current
administration have been posted in the obituary columns, it wll prove
that American justice had indeed prevailed, vice the specter of Karl
Marx, Communism, and the Hitlerite Soros and the half-breed
Obama. My words or wisdom are not those bent on anarchy, but
how it is emperative to get rid of the current Communist Party and
its administration, and just make them effn disappear as if they have
never existed. It functioned well for our 1776 Founding Fathers, and
it will be function well for we modern Americans, provided that we
maintain a formidable backbone and the GUTS to emplement.
What say thee, America?
What say thee, America?
Good Morning, Dennis:
All human comments are posted by default. I have asked similar questions with perhaps just a bit less vehemence. It is true, that often necessary political changes don’t happen voluntarily. We need a nation discussion on our direction that is not happening. Too many have either given up or want to protect what they have for as long as they have it. That is not a great strategy forever.
I publish articles on a number of national outlets and speak on the radio frequently. I am thoroughly admonished in all those outlets to disavow violence as a solution or I can’t participate. I wonder why?
Thank you for your comment. Allan