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We start with a provocative partisan title.  We may lose some readers here who can’t or won’t evaluate issues at odds with their heartfelt beliefs.  There is enough smoke, plenty of facts, and an apparent and staggering unwillingness by authorities to connect the dots and resolve the issues at bar.  The number one impediment to opening many eyes is the fear that the Trump monster lurks in the shadows threatening is return.


The Quest for Good Governance


Good government should be non-partisan, competent, and trustworthy.  It has not been that way for a long time.  Democratic partisans overwhelmingly populate the vast majority of government departments, and no Republican administration has been able to put a dent in that political slant. Constant leaks have become the story instead of relating the many exemplary accomplishments of Republican Presidents. Democrats don’t have to use overt bias to have a progressive liberal bureaucracy do its bidding.  Instead, they step aside and watch a parade of slanted and salacious leaks flow endlessly to a media too willing to use unnamed sources.  Trump faced an average of two daily leaks in his first 100 days.  To this day, virtually no one was punished in any government agency, including agency heads, for leaks to reporters.

President Biden is not now and has not been the Captain of our Ship of State. A shadow government pulls his strings.  I cannot view Biden in the context of his record and statements and see him as an able leader.  Many love to hear his rhetoric, saying I am the “Healer in Chief” while in reality likely being the most divisive President in history. In his stump speeches, Biden endlessly denigrates MAGA extremists who cast over 74 million votes against him.   His echo chamber seems to believe he can demonize and ignore those voters because they are evil and irrelevant to him.  It is this constant theme that exposes his administration as purely partisan.  “Finishing the Job” is his recent rallying cry for another term.  One must wonder what “finishing the job” means for the rest of us.

Conservatives like myself hardly recognize our country today. Four more Biden years make me feel my next stop might be Dachau.  Hyperbolic? I am so vehemently opposed to the totality of the Biden agenda and its likely effect on myself and the people I love and care about that I fight back. Should I be considered a danger to Biden’s agenda; does an FBI entrapment await me as it has others?  “Home of the Free, Land of the Brave” raises their hackles or worse.

Five concerns expose the truth of Biden’s corruption and may reveal who run sour country.


1- Biden’s mental acuity should be a central issue:


If not competent, he should not be the leader of the free world.  Two revealing factoids should be shocking to all of us.  First, at a rare press conference on April 26th, the President held a small pamphlet containing pictures of the reporters asking questions, the order to be called, and the question to be asked.  Reporters’ names were even spelled out phonetically.  Of course, the White House denies it, but what kind of reporter would submit their questions in advance?  A different world of journalism indeed and one in which we should all feel ‘handled.’



Next, on April 27th, Biden stated President Joe Biden had to be reminded by an actual child of the last country he visited. “What was the last country you traveled to,” a child asked during the White House’s Take Your Child to Work Day event.  “The last country I’ve traveled — I’m trying to think the last one I was in — I, I’ve been to 89, so, uh — I’m trying to think.  What was the last — Where was the last place I was?  It’s hard to keep track.  —  Biden stammered.”  These memory glitches should frighten national security officials. What would Biden family do or say during a National Nuclear Emergency when seconds count? Biden had two brain aneurysms in 1988, likely leading to permanent cognitive defects.

And, just in the news last week. Biden’s propensity for slip and falls.  He’s frail; there’s no way to get around that.  Last week’s fall was very public, tripping after finishing a commencement address at the Air Force Academy.  I’m sure we all feel bad to see someone, anyone obviously at the end of life, simulating being vigorous and on the top of his game—shame on those using Biden family for their own purposes.


2- Truth of unaccompanied minors (UACs) being brought across our border.

A staggering number of unaccompanied children have been sent here, but to whom and why?  The Biden administration has seen almost 400,000 UACs cross the border.  An HHS whistleblower testified that 85,000 children are ‘lost,’ cannot be accounted for, but are believed to be in indentured servitude.  The Biden family administration knows this and has done nothing.  Biden’s family reputation for ‘caring’ is exposed for what it is…rhetoric. Just imagine the hue and cry if Trump had’ lost’ 85,000 children.  Can anyone say impeachment?


3- Where there’s smoke, look for fire


Biden came from humble means, never worked in the private sector but somehow became wealthy.  Several of Biden’s children essentially work in the family influence peddling business.  Biden’s frequent refrain, “I never spoke with my son about his overseas business deals.” It makes one wonder if ‘never’ really means ‘never!’ Biden has nine relatives receiving millions in foreign cash.  What were they talking about when Vice President Biden or his cronies met 80 times at the White House?  Veracity is everything when you need and solicit the public’s trust, and  Biden’s persona is wrapped around his supposed trustworthiness.  However, the facts here point to a person who uses hyperbole, manipulation, and outright lying to sway public opinion.
Current news speaks of an IRS whistleblower who will likely testify before Congress that the Hunter Biden probe was intentionally mishandled.  While centered on most of the Biden family, excluding the President, it is construed that their family business was structured to use Biden’s political contacts to coerce monies to be then distributed to the family.  Without piercing this alleged conspiracy, the President can continue business as usual.  Many good Americans seek justice and vindication to prove President Biden and some of his children are corrupt and disloyal to our country.  Just recently, another whistleblower stepped forward to disclose the FBI’s kid-glove handling of President Biden, with the head of the FBI refusing and or slow-walking the release of a document that’s been in the hands of the FBI for at least five years that lays out the scheme.



Now, there is yet another whistleblower who apparently works in the Justice Department that directly points to then-Vice President Biden taking bribes.  Where does this all end?  With the MSM not reporting this, the American people are left to wonder about right-wing conspiracies.  If it’s news, why is it not reported?  Worse, the FBI is either not investigating potentially one of the most consequential crimes of the century or delaying it past the point of usefulness and justice.


4- Misinformation is being used to achieve political ends: 


At Biden’s request,  Secretary of State Anthony Blink in set in motion a letter from 51 former intelligence officials declaring the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation.  We now know that the laptop is genuine; however, the FBI never followed up with the many national security implications the laptop contains. Asking ‘Why’ does not adequately cover an issue of this magnitude.  Withholding important information is another reason the 2020 election is not considered above board by many.


5- Perhaps the most damning of all:


When asked how many grandchildren he has, Biden answers, “I don’t know.”  Widely known that Hunter Biden had a child with a stripper, and the Biden family does not acknowledge this.  This flaw telegraphs so much more.  Owning up to the truth, financially supporting your offspring, and canceling a child by denying her existence are actions having vast trust and integrity ramifications.  Why should we trust someone who thinks and lives only for himself?
Our legacy is the sum of our actions.  Biden family has demonstrated too many troubling flaws, and Biden would likely never have reached the Presidency except for withholding vital information, the “anyone but Trump” vote, and Covid.

Did that turn out to be such a good bargain?

God Bless America!

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, and Thinker.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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