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Political party conventions are renowned for their share of sophomoric tomfoolery and rank partisanship. This last convention was much more akin to a well-defended bunker where, upon entering, you were required to exchange your freedoms and self-interest in much the same manner as you do when you go to Disney’s Fantasyland. You went along for the ride in Chicago, and any naysayer’s thoughts were verboten.

We’ve evolved into something much more problematic. At the top of my list is that the leadership of the Democratic Party is neither visible nor accountable to anyone, especially the majority of delegates supposedly charting a democratic (small d) future. I contend that the Democratic Party, as is our government, is now effectively run as a cult by trained, dedicated anti-Americans of unknown origin or intent.


A Startling Trend at DNC Convention:-


Did you watch any interviews of rank-and-file delegates at the DNC convention? You’d expect anyone selected to be a delegate to be pro-party and energized. But, what I saw, over and over, were delegates disconnected from reality, almost cultish in expression and demeanor. Answers to questions posed came across as a mile wide and an inch deep, constantly repeated in practically the exact words. Our country’s next president should be able to demonstrate competency, intelligence, and independence. I saw nothing less than an almost demonic devotion to Kamalla based on little more than generations of loyalty to a system individuals have invested themselves in, and that profoundly changed when they weren’t looking. Note the prominence given to the loudest voices in the room and the endless repetition of tested phrases and attack lines mouthed by one speaker after another. Let’s take a moment and review some Signs of a cult:

  • Leadership that disciplines its messaging and excludes all other ideas and voices. Pushing out Biden was done in a dramatic and almost coup-like manner. All that was missing was the ritualistic chopping off of the head and cries of “Long live Kamala” chanted over and over again.
  • Cults exploit their members with psychopathic intent. Democrat actions and intentions ultimately result in the exploitation of Americans through taking from one group to give to another “entitled” group. There is no way around it: Democrats are comfortable with confiscation and force—also common practice in cults.
  • Strict rules and punishments are the norm for any cult. Dem’s messaging is synchronized throughout the Party, particularly for the mostly Democrat press. Talking points expressed in concert are overwhelming proof of this.
  • Cults frequently hide the roles and responsibilities of their members. Democrats have been puppet masters ever since Obama.  Who is the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain pulling the strings? Biden and now Harris are too vacuous intellectually to run much more than an ice cream stand that Biden and Harris seem so fond of. Who in their right mind thinks of Kamala as a potential great statesman and deep thinker or could rise to be another Churchhill? I’d expect Biden’s handlers to be quite comfortable taking over Kamala’s reigns; she might be even more docile than Biden.
  • Leaving a cult can be difficult, if not impossible, with cult leadership often seeking retribution on anyone who attempts to leave. Once a Democrat, always a Democrat. Democrats manipulate members of their own Party to keep them from thinking independently. Democrats in Congress vote overwhelmingly as a block, much more than Republicans. Staying loyal to the Party brings rich rewards. Going against the Party amounts to heresy. We all know what happens to heretics.
  • Cults use the power of demonization as their most potent weapon. Democrats do not simply disagree; they seek to destroy the other side. This is the ultimate proof that they are a cult; Democrats cannot co-exist with others; bipartisanship has been dead for a generation with Dems seeking total control (think millions of new migrant voters) of the electorate, in addition to continued control of the media they already have.
  • Cults are paranoid, which translates into seeing themselves under threat at all times. Democrats ascribe the worst tendencies possible to their enemies; they can’t help themselves. They describe the GOP as actively trying to end democracy, freedom, and all our rights in a quest to create a billionaire class that controls everything. Democrats assume what they are doing to us is what the other side wants to do with them. In psychology, we call that projection. In a cult, we see paranoia as a defensive measure used against anyone who has non-conforming ideas and, therefore, represents a threat to the collective.


How much of the above do you recognize in today’s Democrat Party?  


The leadership of the cult of the Democrats (the donor class, insiders, and others we don’t know) recognized that Biden was a loser. Forcing him out (and that’s what they did and why it should be considered elder abuse, if nothing else) laid bare the raw power of their cult. If Kamalla bombs at her own debate with Trump, might they call upon even more direct methods of replacing her? What we thought was impossible before only creates a new line that hasn’t been crossed yet. What’s to stop the cult from trying something else we can’t imagine today?

The continued existence of the Democratic cult is in danger if they lose. The cult is frantic with a 50-50 election probability today (depending on who you talk to). They had expected Trump to either be in jail by now or financially ruined.  Instead, Trump’s core support remains unchanged.

And this just in: The cult is thoroughly apoplectic concerning recent news that the RFK’s organization is considering dissolving their campaign and throwing their active support to Trump. I expect that the cult’s direct action division is prepping suicide bombers to finish Trump off if this comes to pass. And I’m not kidding either.

In any cult, there are followers, leaders, and zealots. It is from the zealots (think squad members and the many anarchists and Marxists so closely tied to this cult) that a suggestion can be made and translated into action. I would put nothing past this cabal of anti-Americans masquerading as patriots.

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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